Dog Camp

A dog hiking service that provides a way for your dog to socialize, fulfill their biological needs, and get training!

Dog Camp is a wonderful alternative to a traditional doggy daycare. At dog camp your dog will get to run, play, swim, and learn with a pack of dogs that I have selected. Dog camp is best for well behaved and friendly dogs who enjoy or are neutral around other dogs. My packs are thoroughly evaluated in order to make sure camp is suitable for them, and I keep my. packs smaller to allow dogs to gain confidence, feel safe & happy while out at camp.

Dog camp is for roughly 2 hours Monday-Thursday, with free pick up & drop off at your home, making it easier for you! Dog Camp is year round too- sun, rain & snow, your dog will get to adventure all year with their friends!

Benefits of Dog Camp

Free Pick Up & Drop Off

Obedience Training

Physical Exercise & Enrichment

Off- Leash Recall

Giving you more time in your day!

Throughout camp your dog will learn obedience as well as relaxation skills, helping them be a better behaved dog at home!

Your dog won’t be crated or inside all day, instead they will get to run around and have a great time at camp!

At camp recall & off leash reliability are constantly practiced, making sure to sharpen their off leash skills!

Camp Dog’s Must:

  1. Have good recall

  2. Get along with other dogs & people

  3. Ride well in the car

  4. Be at least 2 years old

Monthly Membership Pricing

1 day per week- $165

2 days per week- $330

3 days per week- $495

4 days per week- $660

  • Memberships are due the 1st of each month